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Why join Class Dojo?

Posted Date: 08/14/2023

Why join Class Dojo?


Class DoJo QR code

Scan the above QR code to connect to our class. Sign up as a parent.  Type in your child’s name and I will be approving all connection requests.

This year Mrs. Niederhauser will be awarding points via Class Dojo for students that show positive behavior in developing our PACK mentality.  (See article on PACK Mentality.)  Mrs. Niederhauser will not be displaying DoJo points for all students to see.  If students wish to see their points, they will use their own Class DoJo sign-in that is linked to their Google Classroom sign-in.  We will have a class store each month to use points students have earned.

Fifth grade teachers will use Class Dojo to share progress on students’ behavior.  You will be able to like and/or comment on any photos, videos, or files shared on our class story.  You can also communicate with the teachers with private direct messaging, however it’s quicker to send an email to